
Hara Hara Shankara Saamba Sadaa Shiva Esha Mahesha

Hara Hara Shankara Saamba Sadaa Shiva Esha Mahesha
Thaandava Priyakara Chandra Kalaadhara Esha Mahesha
Amba Suta Lambodhara Vanditha Esha Mahesha
Tunga Himaachala Shringa Nivaasitha Esha Mahesha

(Chant the many names of the Lord: Shankar, Shambha Sada Shiva and Mahesha. O Lord Mahesh! Thou art fond of Tandava Dance (cosmic dance). You are adorned with Moon as decoration on Your forehead. Thou art worshipped by the darling son of Mother Amba - Lord Ganesh, the One with a pot belly. Thou art the resident of the Himalayas)