Shankara Roopa Sajjana Vanditha Sai Rama Namosthuthe
Shankara Roopa Sajjana Vanditha Sai Rama Namosthuthe
Raghupati Roopa Ramya Charithra Sai Rama Namosthuthe
Keshava Roopa Klesha Vinaashaka Sai Rama Namosthuthe
Adbhutha Charitha Aanjaneya Sai Rama Namosthuthe
(Salutations to Thee, Hey Sai Rama, the embodiment of Shiva. You are worshipped by the holy. You are the embodiment of Rama who has the most enchanting history. You are Anjaneya (Hanuman) who has the most miraculous history. Salutations to You, Sai Rama)