
Sarva Naama Swaroopam Sai Baba

Sarva Naama Swaroopam Sai Baba
Sarva Hridhaya Virajam Sai Baba
Sarva Naama Swaroopam Sai Baba
Sarva Daiva Swaroopam Sai Baba
Sarva Dharmam Virajam Sai Baba
(Om) Brahma Sanathana Sai Baba
[sing the following at the end of second time]
Om Namah Shivaya Sai Baba
Om Namah Shivaya Sai Baba [higher pitch]
Allah Maalik Sai Baba
Sathya Naam Vahey Guru Sai Baba
Ahoora Masjida Sai Baba
Buddha Esa Prabhu Sai Baba
(Guru)Naanak Mahaaveer Sai Baba

(Oh Lord Baba, You are the One appearing with different names; You are the One illuminating the hearts (of devotees); You are the embodiment of allthe different Gods (faiths); You are the embodiment of Universal righteousness; You are the embodiment of Universal bliss; Oh Baba, You are Shiva, Allah, Zoraster, Guru Nanak, Buddha, Jesus and Mahaveer)