Sai Prem Dey Shanti Dey Ananda Dey Sai Prem Dey
Sai Prem Dey Shanti Dey Ananda Dey Sai Prem Dey
Thum Ho Sai Dayaa Key Sagar
Thum Ho Parama Kripa Key Sagar
Aadi Anantha Sakala Charachara
Alak Niranjana Sai Janaardhana
Satchidaananda Prabhu Dayaa Kar
(Sai grant us Love, Sai grant us Peace, grant us Bliss, Thou art our Father and the Ocean of Mercy Thou art the Deity in the Temple of all gunas, Thou art Endless and without Beginning and preserver of Truth and Protector of Sanathana Dharma. Without an equal and being ever full of Love for mankind Sai, Thou art the Lord of eternal Truth, Knowledge and Bliss. Sai, please grant us Your Mercy)