Raksha Karo Bhagawaan Sathya Sai Bhagawaan
Raksha Karo Bhagawaan Sathya Sai Bhagawaan
Paahi Dayaalu Dehi Kripaalu
Sathya Dharma Shanti Prema Pradaatha
Nithya Niranjana Jeevana Daatha
Brahma Vishnu Maheshwara Roopa
Sathyam Shivam Sundaram
(O Lord Sai, thou art compassionate and merciful Lord of the helpless, the bestower of truth, righteousness, peace and love, the ever cheerful Lord, who sustains all life, the embodiment of Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswara. Thou art Truth, Auspiciousness and Beauty. Protect us.)