Rama Rama Seetha Rama Megha Shyaama Mangala Dhaama
Rama Rama Seetha Rama Megha Shyaama Mangala Dhaama
Megha Shyaama Mangala Dhaama Raghu Rama Raaja Rama
Paavana Naama Paapa Vinaasha Jaanaki Rama Jai Rama
Ravi Kula Soma, Rantala Bhima, Shivanuta Naama Shree Rama
(Chant the name of Lord Rama, Seetha Rama and Shyaama. It takes us to the abode of auspiciousness. It also purifies, uplifts and destroys the sins. O Lord of Janaki, thou art fearless and powerful restorer of righteousness and art pleasing like the moon to Thy Raghu Dynasty.)