
Raghu Pathey (Shree) Raamachandra Raghava Dayaa Nidhe

Raghu Pathey (Shree) Raamachandra Raghava Dayaa Nidhe
Madhava (Shree) Radhikesha Govinda Hare Krishna (2X)
Pashu Pathey (Shree) Parvatheesha Shankara Sada Shiva (2X)
Sai Rama (Shree) Sai Shyaama Sathya Sai Raghava (2X)

(O Rama, Lord of the Raghus, Who is still and shining as the moon, Thou art an Ocean of Mercy O Krishna, splendid Lord of Radha, Protector of our souls and Remover of sorrows Lord of all creatures, Beloved of the Mother Parvathi, Thou art the unchanging Shiva, the Source of Goodness O Lord Sai, Thou art both Lord Rama and Lord Krishna )