Deva Deva Sai Deva Chidaananda Sadguru
Deva Deva Sai Deva Chidaananda Sadguru
Mahaananda Paramaananda Sathya Sai Sadguru
Varada Hastha Sadguru Parama Shaantha Sadguru
Patitodhaara Jagatodhaara Sathya Sai Sadguru
Sathya Sai Sadguru Sathya Sai Sadguru
(Hey Lord Sai, Lord of Lords, the blissful noble perceptor; Hey Sathya Sai, Thou art the noble perceptor; You are \'Existence - Knowledge - Bliss\'; You grant boons; You bestow peace; You are the uplifter of the fallen; You are the uplifter of the Universe; Oh great noble teacher, Sathya Sai!)