Sarva Mangala Sai Janani
Sarva Mangala Sai Janani
Parthi Niwaasini Parama Shivaani ... (Sarva Mangala..)
Devi Saraswathi Durga Lakshmi
Jagadeeshwari Jaganmaata Bhavaani
Jagat Janani Jaya Lakshmi Naaraayani
(Our most auspicious mother Sai who dwells in Puttaparthi is none other than Parvathi the supremeGoddess and consort of Lord Shiva. She is also Saraswathi (Goddess of learning), Durga (The Gddess who vanquished the demon Mahishasura), Lakshmi (Goddess of wealth), Bhavani (anoher name for Durga), Naaraayani (Consort of Narayana). She is the supreme Goddess and Moher of the universe. Victory to Thee Mother (in Your task of redeeming mankind.))